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Often we study our cities through a single lens, from average income to housing type. The reality is that our cities are structured and divided in complex and layered ways. Now, more than ever, we are realizing that our cities feature deep intersecting patterns of inequity that transcend the domains of income, race, health, labour, education, household structure, and housing tenure, among many others.

This research aims to help understand our cities through multiple perspectives. It clearly maps the similarities shared between certain neighbourhoods and the differences that divide others. The hope is that this data can help drive conversations and ideas around a more just, equal and inclusive urban landscape.

Explore the Cities

Explore the Nine Cities through the interactive map below. An expandable legend is available in the top-left corner of the map, and socio-economic data is available for each neighbourhood. 

City Profiles

The Urban Cities

A mix of neighbourhoods within Ottawa's Greenbelt, ranging from traditional middle-class mature suburbs to dense collections of apartment blocks in the urban core to clusters of highly disadvantaged neighbourhoods spread in pockets from east to west to south.

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The Suburban Cities

Communities almost entirely outside of Ottawa's Greenbelt. Neighbourhood types include the older suburban cores, newer surrounding suburban developments and small, yet growing rural villages.

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Cities of Wealth

A collection of communities united by high levels of established wealth across some of the city's most desirable neighbourhoods. 

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2023 Ten Cities Project

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